
品味圣经|圣神降临节 说舌音

Pentecost-Speaking in Tongues例句 众人都充满圣神,按照圣神赐给他们的话,说起外方话来《宗徒大事录2:4》And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and be

品味圣经|Can Prayers really change God’s Mind (2)

(耶稣治愈拦路求医的瞎子示意图)祈祷真能改变上主的心意吗? (2)例句 上主的富饶、上智和知识是多么高深!祂的决断是多么不可思量!祂的道路是多么不可探察!有谁曾知道上主的心意?《罗马书11:33-34》The depth of the ri

品味圣经|过一会儿 After a while

(例句) 耶稣对门徒们说: 光在你们中只剩下片刻。 趁着有光的时刻,往前走吧! 别让黑夜笼罩着你们《若望12:35》Jesus said to his disciples: You are going to have the light j


Can you (I) really recognize Jesus?-2例句当耶稣与他们坐下来吃饭的时候,就拿起饼来、祝福了、擘开、递给他们,他们的眼睛开了,这才认出耶稣来,但祂却在他们眼前隐没了《路加24:30-31》When he w