

Three Days and Three Nights (1)(例句)耶稣答复犹太人说:你们拆毁这座圣殿,三天之内,我要把它重建起来《若望2:19》Jesus answered theJews “Destroy this tem


Three Days and Three Nights (2)(例句) 耶稣受难后,司祭长和法利赛人去找比拉多,他们说: 大人,我们记得这骗子(指耶稣)说过: 我将在三天后复活《玛窦27:62-63》After Jesus was cruc


The Mystery of Lion vs. Lamb(例句) 第二天,若翰见耶稣向他走来,就说: 看,这就是除免世罪的天主羔羊《若望1:29》The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him,

品味圣经|狮子和羔羊的奥秘 (2)

The Mystery of Lion vs. Lamb(例句) 在若望的一次神视中,一位长老对他说: 别哭了. 看! 从犹大支派出来的狮子、达味的苗裔,已得到胜利《默示录5:5》In a vision of John, an Elder

品味圣经|过一会儿 After a while

(例句) 耶稣对门徒们说: 光在你们中只剩下片刻。 趁着有光的时刻,往前走吧! 别让黑夜笼罩着你们《若望12:35》Jesus said to his disciples: You are going to have the light j

品味圣经|过一会儿 (2) After a little while

(例句) 耶稣对门徒们说: 过一会儿,你们就看不见我了。然而再过一会儿,你们又会看见我了《若望16:16》、《若望16:19》Jesus said to his disciples: ln a little while you will s