
品味圣经| 耶稣复活后的显现 (1)

例句 她们要离开坟墓时,耶稣迎上来说:愿你们平安;她们遂上前抱住耶稣的脚,朝拜了祂《玛28:9》As they were leaving the tomb, Jesus met them on the way and said &ldquo

品味圣经|耶稣复活后的显现 (2)

The Appearances of Jesus after His Resurrection (2)例句 耶稣(显现后)对多默说:因为你看见了我,才相信吗?那些没有看见而相信的,才是有福的《若望福音20:29》Jesus appeared

品味圣经|圣神降临节 说舌音

Pentecost-Speaking in Tongues例句 众人都充满圣神,按照圣神赐给他们的话,说起外方话来《宗徒大事录2:4》And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and be

品味圣经|你爱我吗  Do you love me?

(耶稣召叫伯多禄为门徒)例句你爱我吗?主,你知道我爱你《若望福音21:15-17》"Do you love me”? "Lord, you know I love you" 《John 21:15-17》耶稣升天前,回到加里肋亚