
品味圣经|过一会儿 (2) After a little while

(例句) 耶稣对门徒们说: 过一会儿,你们就看不见我了。然而再过一会儿,你们又会看见我了《若望16:16》、《若望16:19》Jesus said to his disciples: ln a little while you will s


Keep the Secret of Sacramental Confession例句 耶稣对门徒们说“愿你们平安!.......你们若赦免谁的罪,就给谁赦免;你要存留谁的,就给谁存留”《若望福音20:21-23》。

品味圣经|Thanksgiving (1) - when something BIG happens

例句 (梅瑟带领以色列人惊险中渡过红海、登陆对岸后)唱了凯旋歌:我要赞颂上主,因为祂获得全胜....,我要颂扬祂....我要赞美祂...《出谷记15:1-21》(Upon landing on the opposite bank of Re

品味圣经|七兄弟 The Seven Brothers

例句 天主不是死人的、而是活人的天主,(因为)所有的人为他都是生活的《路加20:38》He is not God of the dead, but of the living, for to Him all are alive 《Luke

品味圣经|将临期、重建节、圣诞节 (1)

Advent, Chanukah, Christmas(例句)犹大和他的弟兄们,以及以色列全会众,规定年年在这节期,庆祝重新祝圣祭坛节,一连八天欢乐庆祝 《玛加伯上4:59》Then Judas and hisbrothers and th