文/程若望(伊甸乐园)指导司铎: 朱杰神父 海外团队: MELY2005今日圣言06/25/18列下 17:5-18玛 7:1-5耶稣说:“你们不要判断人,免得你们受判断。”在背后论断人是在犯罪,因为其目的旨在破坏。如何有人正在犯罪和处于丧失灵魂的危险中,耶稣命令我们要在独处时当面规劝他们(玛18:15),如同天父派遣很多仆人警告他的子民处于罪恶中(读经一)。我们要怀着,为了帮助他人做这一切!祈祷 (by W. Barclay):天父,请赐给我一颗谦卑的心,让我能意识到自己的疏忽,承认自己的错误,看到自己灵性生命成长的需要,欢迎他人的建议,接受他人的斥责!帮助我常常赞善他人,而非常常批评;常常同情他人,而非对他们失望;常常建树他人而非摧毁他人;常常想到他人的优点,而非总是记住他人的缺点!阿门!WORD Today06/25/182Kgs 17:5-18Mt 7:1-5Jesus says, "Stop judging, that you may not be judged."Judging others behind their back is a sin because it seeks to destroy.Jesus orders us to judge to their face if they are sinning and in danger of losing their soul (Mt 18:15) just as His Father sent many servants to warn His people of their sins (1st Reading). We do this lovingly in order to help.PRAYER (by W. Barclay):Father, give me a spirit of humility which realizes its ignorance, admits its mistakes, recognizes its need, welcomes advice and accepts rebuke.Help me always to praise rather than to criticize, to sympathize rather than to discourage, to build rather than to destroy and to think of people at their best rather than at their worst. Amen.

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