文/思嘉修女(伊甸乐园)指导司铎: 朱杰神父 海外团队: MELY2005今日圣言07/10/18欧8:4-7, 11-13玛9:32-38在读经一中提到:“他们既播种了风,收的也必是风。”当我们为自己的不道德生活方式而沾沾自喜时,当我们讲出污秽、亵渎神明的言语时,我们其实就是在制造一种混乱及愤怒的氛围,这种氛围影响我们自己,同时,会如滚雪球一样去影响更多的人,甚至是我们生活的社会,最后,我们迎来的是一个混乱和杀戮的风暴。圣保禄提醒说:“你们切不要错了,天主是嘲笑不得的:人种什么,就收什么。”(迦6:7)在福音中,我们的主耶稣基督召唤我们与祂一起周游各城各村、传播喜讯、播种慈悲、寻找迷失的亡羊——并为天主收获诸多灵魂。让我们跟随我们的主,在激动人心的冒险中为建设天主的国而努力!WORD Today
Hos 8:4-7, 11-13
Mt 9:32-38
"When they sow the wind, they shall reap the whirlwind." (1st Reading)
When we sow the example of immoral lifestyle, when we exhale foul, blasphemous language, we create an atmosphere of disorder and anger that will be multiplied by those we influence, and those they in turn influence, until we reap a storm of anarchy and murder in society.
St. Paul warns, "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows!" (Gal 6:7)
In the Gospel, our Lord Jesus Christ calls us to come with Him to the towns and villages, exhaling the Good News, sowing works of mercy, finding lost sheep - and reap a great harvest of souls for God.
Let us follow our Lord in the exciting adventure of building God's Kingdom.