文/王志刚Loyola(伊甸乐园)指导司铎:朱杰神父 国际团队:MELY2005
翻译:王志刚今日圣言09/16/18依50:5-9雅2:14-18玛8:27-35“你们说我是谁呢?”(今日福音)我们都知道,耶稣是救世主。今天是主日,让我们反思主耶稣基督的救恩究竟意味着什么 。仔细想想,我参与弥撒是为了得救的需要吗?可在生活中我又常常违反福音的教导,这是在拯救自己吗?或者我参与弥撒是因为我遇到了麻烦,需要耶稣来帮助我找回失去的东西吗?我在实际生活中却从来不愿去改变旧时的陋习?或者我只有在参与弥撒中才为耶稣服务吗?在教会之外却很少为他人服务呢?耶稣说,“谁若愿意跟随我,该弃绝自己,背起自己的十字架,跟随我。”主耶稣,请来拯救我!帮助我修正我的价值观,即使这会很艰难(读经一),请你帮助我信靠你,跟随你。愿我因着你圣体圣血带来的恩宠,使我在你慈悲的工作中与你相通(读经二),并领受你丰盛的生命和救恩的喜乐,阿门!WORD Today09/16/18Is 50:5-9Jas 2:14-18Mk 8:27-35"Who do you say that I AM?" (Gospel)
We know the short answer: Jesus is the Savior.
But this Lord's Day, let us reflect on what the Lord's salvation means.
-Am I at Mass just to fulfill a requirement of salvation then resume saving myself in ways contrary to the Gospel?
-Or am I at Mass because I'm in trouble and need Jesus to save what I am losing without having to lose my old ways?
-Or am I serving Jesus at Mass to be saved without the need to serve Him outside the church?
Jesus says, "If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me."
Lord Jesus, save me from myself! Help me deny my values and embrace Yours even if it brings suffering (1st Reading). May your Body that I eat bring me to commune with You in Your works of mercy (2nd Reading). Lead me Lord to the fullness of Your life and the joy of salvation. Amen

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