伊甸乐园园丁(伊甸乐园)指导司铎:朱杰神父 国际团队:MELY2005翻译:思嘉修女今日圣言10/02/18出23:20-23玛18:1-5, 10在孩提年代,我们学会了一个美丽的祈祷词,“天主的天使,我亲的保护者,天主的爱委派你在这里保护我。”今天是护守天使的纪念日。出于对人类的大爱,天主委派一位天使从生到死地保护我们每一个人。天使是真实的存在。天使的临在贯彻于整部圣经——从圣经的第一本书《创世纪》开始就有天使守护着伊甸乐园,到最后一本书《默示录》依然有天使服侍得胜的基督执行末世的终极审判。天使其实不是带有翅膀的婴儿或女郎,他们是天主所创造的强大的受造物——一种天主所创造的精神体。天使的使命是保护我们在旅途中平安回归父家。当然,如果我们不变成小孩子,不允许天使的“光照及保护,统治及引领”我们,天使再强大,也只是无能为力。让我们常常祈祷,祈求天使的帮助与护佑。WORD Today10/02/18Ex 23:20-23Mt 18:1-5, 10When we were children we learned the beautiful prayer, "Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God's love commits me here."Today is the Feast of the Guardian Angels. In God's great love, He commits an angel to each of us to guard us from birth to death.Angels are very real. They are all over the Bible, from the first book Genesis guarding the Garden of Eden, to the last book Revelation executing Jesus' final judgment.Angels are not babies or ladies with wings. They are immensely powerful creatures whose mission is to serve and protect us on our journey home. But they are powerless if we do not become like children and allow them "to light and guard, to rule and guide" us.Let us always pray for their help.

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