文/伊甸乐园园丁(伊甸乐园)指导司铎:朱杰神父 国际团队:MELY2005翻译:赵红坡神父今日圣言10/11/18迦3:1-5路 11:5-13耶稣昨天教导我们,祈求每天日用食粮。今天祂告诉我们,"你们求,必要给你们;你们找,必要找着;你们敲,必要给你们开"。耶稣没有说,我们会立刻得到天主的答复。祂却告知我们忠于祈祷,不断祈祷,永不放弃希望。我们不要一直祈祷,为的是说服天主;或者一直寻找方法,使天主不得不帮助我们;或者因为天主没有俯听,而一直敲门。天主圣子为我们而死,并在圣洗圣事中给予祂的圣神,在苦难中与我们同行,已经证明了天主对我们的。我们需要祈祷,需要等待,因为这是为我们有益。我们知道那些被宠坏的富二代,长大了会是什么样子。天父想我们有耐心、信赖祂。对天主多一点信德、望德和爱德,我们就会看到祂的确切答复,无论是什么样的结果,都是最好的。WORD Today10/11/18Gal 3:1-5Lk 11:5-13Yesterday Jesus taught us to ask for daily bread. Today He tells us to "Ask and it will be given you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you."Jesus is not saying we will get instant answer. He is telling us to be faithful in praying, to keep asking and never give up hope.We do not keep asking in order to convince God. Or keep seeking ways to make God obliged to help us. Or to keep knocking because God is not listening.God has already proven He love us by having His Son die for us, and by giving us His Holy Spirit at baptism to be with us in every trial.We need to pray and wait because it's good for us. We know what happens to rich spoiled children when they grow up.Our Father wants us to be patient and trust Him. With more faith, hope and love for Him, we will see that His unfailing answer, in whatever form it may arrive, is the very best.

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