文/伊甸乐园园丁(伊甸乐园)指导司铎:朱杰神父 国际团队:MELY2005翻译:若望今日圣言10/27/18弗 4:7-16路 13:1-9参与弥撒、祈祷会、念玫瑰经、做九日敬礼对于我们灵性生命成长非常重要。这些都是耶稣通过教会给我们“施肥”,以便让我们能够成长。但这些不是最终目的。在今天福音中,耶稣说,他慷慨地给我们这些在他葡萄园中的树施肥,目的在于让我们结果实,如果总是不结果实,就会被砍下来,以免浪费土地和肥料。在读经一中,圣保禄说,天主赐给我们恩宠,是为了建树基督的身体,为成全圣徒,为了完成福传使命。我们通过在不同的教堂和团体服务中施展才能来结果实。我们在各种服务中奉献付出,“使我们不再做小孩子,为各种教义之风所飘荡,所卷去,而中了人的阴谋,陷入荒谬的诡计。”在事工中服务,是我们迈向耶稣的导路绳。耶稣因此拉我们脱离罪恶,指引我们在他内活出有意义而喜乐的人生!WORD Today10/27/18Eph 4:7-16Lk 13:1-9The Holy Mass, prayer meetings, Rosary and novenas are extremely important in our spiritual growth. These are how Jesus through His Church "fertilizes" us so we may grow.But they are not the final goal. In the Gospel, Jesus says He fertilizes us trees generously planted in His garden so we may bear fruit - or else be cut down for just wasting space and minerals.In the 1st Reading, St. Paul says God has given us talents "to equip the saints (the ones Jesus saved) for the work of ministry."We are to bear fruit by using our talents in different church and community ministries. We volunteer in ministries "so that we may no longer be infants, tossed by waves and swept along by every wind of teaching arising from human trickery."Serving in a ministry is our life-line to Jesus. It is how He pulls us away from sin and guides us to a meaningful and joyful life with Him.