文/伊甸乐园园丁(伊甸乐园)指导司铎:朱杰神父 国际团队:MELY2005翻译:朱杰神父今日圣言12/04/18依11:1-10路10:21-24你喜欢什么样的圣诞礼物?最新潮的服装?最新上市的玩具?还是最新款的珠宝首饰?然而,天主想给予我们的礼物远远大于玩具,而是礼物中的礼物——最好的礼物。今天的福音告诉我们,在古老的旧约时代,君王和先知们渴慕着那位救世主的到来,但是却没有看到。天主愿意我们接纳祂预许的救世主,就是祂的圣子,我们的主耶稣基督。让我们怀着一颗谦卑的心诵读圣经,接受圣言的滋养与训诲。今天的读经一给了我们一份许诺:当我们全心顺服耶稣的权威时,“豺狼将与羔羊共处,虎豹将与小山羊同宿;牛犊和幼狮一同饲养,一个幼童即可带领它们。”接受耶稣是家庭和睦的开始与生命和谐的肇基。愿我们野蛮的激情和贪婪的欲望得到抑制与管控。WORD Today12/04/18Is 11:1-10Lk 10:21-24What gift would you like for Christmas? The latest gadget? Ripped jeans? Jewelry?God wants to give us not just toys but the greatest gift of all, what ancient Old Testament kings and prophets were promised but never saw arrive (Gospel). God wants us to receive His Promised Savior, His Son and our Lord Jesus Christ.Read the Bible and accept in humility what Jesus teaches. When we surrender to the authority of Jesus over our lives, "the wolf shall be a guest of the lamb, the calf and the young lion shall browse together, and a little Child shall lead them." (1st Reading)Our savage passions and ravenous cravings will be stilled. Acceptance of Jesus is the advent of harmony into our lives and peace in our family.

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