文/携手奔天国(伊甸乐园)指导司铎:朱杰神父 国际团队:MELY2005翻译:李飞今日圣言01/04/19若一 3:7-10若1:35-42“看,天主的羔羊!”若望介绍耶稣给他的朋友们,他的朋友们再把耶稣介绍给他们的朋友。最初的福音传道者就是怀着这种无比激动的心情传道的,就像是孩子们把他得到的圣诞礼物告诉给他的小朋友们那样。历经沧桑,传道者沿袭着这种方式,直到基督的福音传遍地极,并到达我们的海岸边。你曾这样介绍耶稣给其他人吗?传福音是如此简单。只要邀请你的朋友来参与弥撒,加入到信仰团体,告诉他们耶稣与我们在一起的奇妙经历就可以了。如若我们不以耶稣为耻,祂就不以我们为耻(玛10:32)。当我们向天父寻求我们的需要时,耶稣就在天父的右边。那时,耶稣会激动地说,“阿爸父啊!看,这些人是我的朋友!”WORD Today01/04/191Jn 3:7-10Jn 1:35-42"Look! There is the Lamb of God!"John told his friends who told their friends about Jesus. The first evangelizers did this in great excitement like children telling their friends about their new Christmas gift.Evangelizers continued this way down the ages till Christianity spread worldwide till it reached our shores.Have you told others about Jesus?Evangelization can be as simple as inviting friends to come to Mass or join our faith community, telling them of our wonderful experience with Jesus there.If we are not ashamed of Jesus, He will not be ashamed of us (Mt 10:32). When we approach our Father for our needs, Jesus is there sitting beside Him. Jesus will excitedly say, "Look Father! There is my friend!"