文/伊甸乐园园丁(伊甸乐园)指导司铎:朱杰神父国际团队:MELY2005 翻译:Johncheng今日圣言01/19/19希 4:12-16谷 2:13-17每台弥撒,我们都以忏悔开始,我们为我们所犯的罪悔过。我们也一起承认,我们本不配和天主同桌共餐。在今天的福音中,我们看到耶稣与罪人在一起吃饭!当自以为义的法利塞人批评耶稣时,耶稣说:“我不是来召义人,而是召罪人。”在上主的餐桌上,耶稣把所有罪人都召集在一起:神父、腐败的官员,不道德的妇人,肮脏的瘾君子,以及在所有人中最坏的那人,就是我!让我们不要成为自以为义的法利塞人,对教会看不惯。教会圣洁犹如她的新郎耶稣,但教会仍需要不断被洁净,由于我们这些被教会邀请进来的新人,不断把污垢带进教会。我们就是教会,不完美但被我们的大司祭耶稣所深爱,让我们天天参与弥撒,“走进恩宠的宝座,以获得仁慈,寻到恩宠。”(读经一)WORD Today01/19/19Heb 4:12-16Mk 2:13-17The Holy Mass starts with the Penitential Rite where we confess that we have all sinned. Together we admit that none of us are worthy to dine with God. But we see in the Gospel that Jesus ate with sinners! The self-righteous Pharisees criticized Him but He told them, "I did not come to call the righteous but sinners."At the Lord's Table, Jesus calls to Him all sinners - the priest, that corrupt official, that immoral woman, that filthy addict, and worst of all, ME!Let's not be self-righteous Pharisees and frown on the Church. She is holy like her Bridegroom, but she needs continual cleansing due to the dirt brought in by us the members she invites to come in.We are the Church, imperfect but beloved by our perfect High Priest Jesus. So come to Mass any day, "come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy and grace." (1st Reading)