朋友们,今天的福音谈到发誓并鼓励我们『不可发虚誓!要向上主偿还你的誓愿!』。这让我想起Ann Russell Miller(安·罗素·米勒)的故事。Ann之前是旧金山的一位上流名媛,非常富贵,有着十个儿女和十九个孙子孙女;坐拥一座金碧辉煌、可以俯瞰旧金山湾的别墅;出没于最高级的会所;喜欢乘坐自己的游艇在地中海度假。但Ann也是一位虔诚的天主教徒,她和丈夫曾一起发誓若两者之一先逝世,还在世的一方将把自己献身于天主。所以,当Ann的丈夫因癌症英年早逝,她决心以最戏剧性的方式把自己献身于天主。她为亲朋好友举办最后一个盛大的派对,然后把所有家产全部送出,到伊利诺伊州的德斯普兰斯市,成为与世隔绝的加尔默罗会修女中的一员。她如今身穿加尔默罗会修女专用的褐色简朴长袍,过着贫穷、贞洁、服从天主、彻底献身的生活。她睡的是木板床,床上只有一层薄薄的床垫;吃的是修道院食堂提供的最简单、无肉的饭菜。她不再是Ann Russell Miller,而是圣三的Mary Joseph(玛丽·约瑟夫)修女。Mary修女以发誓修道来偿还了她曾对丈夫发下的誓言。这个新的誓言对她来说,并非负担,而是获得自由的一种方式。因为在最激进的意义上,她现在有着把自己完全献身于天主的自由。我知道她的人生道路是激进的,不是所有人都要选择这种完全的臣服。但我们所有人确实都要具有福音劝谕的精神(注:贞洁、贫穷、服从),因为我们必须超脱于财富、享乐、权势和名誉之外。这些到头来都是浮云,只有天主是最重要的。2017-6-17附上英文原文:
Friends, today’s Gospel speaks of vows and encourages us to “not take a false oath, but make good to the Lord all that you vow.” It calls to mind the story of Ann Russell Miller. Ann was a San Francisco socialite, fabulously wealthy, mother of ten children and nineteen grandchildren, in possession of a glorious mansion overlooking San Francisco bay, a denizen of the finest clubs, someone who liked to vacation on her yacht in the Mediterranean.But Ann was also a very devout Catholic, and she and her husband made a vow that whoever died first, the surviving partner would dedicate his or her life to God. So when Ann’s husband died relatively young of cancer, Ann resolved to give her life to God in the most dramatic way. She threw one more huge party for her friends—and then gave everything away and joined the cloistered Carmelite sisters in Des Plaines, IL. She now wears the simple brown habit of a Carmelite religious and lives a life of utter devotion, in poverty, chastity, and obedience. She sleeps on wooden planks covered by a thin mattress; she eats the simplest, meatless dishes served in the convent refectory. She is no longer Ann Russell Miller; she is Sr. Mary Joseph of the Trinity.Sr. Mary fulfilled the vow she made to her husband by taking new vows as a religious. The new vows she now appreciates, not as burdens, but as a means to freedom. For now, in the most radical sense, she is free to give her life utterly to God.Now I realize that her path is a radical one, and that not everyone is called to this sort of total surrender. But everyone is indeed called to the spirit of the evangelical counsels, for we must all become detached from wealth, pleasure, power, and honor. They don’t matter at the end of the day. Only God matters.