停止践踏弥撒中的讲道——菲律宾天主教主教团主席对当下讲道的呼吁CBCP president Socrates Villegas called on to stop abusing homilies朱杰神父 翻译1. 菲律宾天主教主教团主席在2015年(2015)圣周四的圣油弥撒中,强调滥用讲道就等同是在践踏教友们的善良,因为他们被迫地要聆听冗长的、重复的、乏味的、紊乱的、没有准备的滥竽充数的弥撒讲道。During the Chrism Mass of Holy Thursday attended by all the priests in his archdiocese, Villegas said this kind of abuse exploits the kindness of the people “who are forced to listen to long-winding, repetitious, boring, unorganized, unprepared and mumbled homilies.”2.他虽然开了个玩笑,但是,他所讲的也确实反应了当前的讲道状况。也就是,聆听教堂里的讲道是教友们每个主日要忍受的磨难之一。He said in jest, though hinting that there is some truth to it, that listening to homilies is one of the obligatory scourges that parishioners must go through every Sunday.3.“教友必须要一个主日一个主日地忍受我们神父们不知所云的讲道,因为神父们要用一个非常长的讲道序言,然后,神父们不知道怎么样才能直接进入主题,更不知道如何结束弥撒中的讲道。请神父们务必要准备讲道。请神父们务必要让自己的讲道清晰明了。请神父们务必要静下来好好地准备讲道。” “They are asked to endure Sunday after Sunday our homilies that cannot be understood because we take so long with the introduction, we do not know how to go direct to the point and we do not know how to end. Be prepared. Be clear. Be seated,” he said.4.我们的年轻神父们被我们的年长神父们所影响。因为当年轻神父们还是修生的时候,我们的年长神父们就已经滥用了讲道、虐待了弥撒中的道理。当年轻的我们开始讲道时,被虐待的成为了虐待狂。Villegas said they were all abused by the homilies of elder priests when they were seminarians. “When our turn came to deliver homilies, the abused became the abuser,”5.如果一位修生不能够做出清晰而有力的公开宣讲的话,他就不应该进入神职界,就不应该被祝圣为神父。he said. He added that if a seminarian cannot speak in public with clarity and effectiveness, he should not be ordained.6.冗长的、重复的、乏味的、与生活没有实质联系的讲道说明了讲道神父的灵性生命及灵修生活是病态的、不健康的。一位讲道神父就像是一个号角,除非有灵性的生命及灵性的气息,否则便不会奏出美妙的旋律。换言之,如果一位神父缺少灵修,他的讲道就仅仅是一个号角而已。“Long-winding, repetitious, irrelevant, unprepared homilies are signs of a sick spiritual life of the priest,” he said, quoting Saint Joseph Cupertino’s words: “A preacher is like a trumpet which produces no tone unless one blows into it.”7.他告诫神父们在宣讲前一定要祈祷。“主,你是生命的气息,我只是你的号角。没有你的气息,我的宣讲便没有号角之声更无救恩的旋律。”Villegas told fellow priests to pray this way before preaching: “Lord, you are the spirit, I am your trumpet. Without your breath, I can give no sound.”8.他也告诫神父们不仅仅要准备讲道,还要准备自己。宣讲是灵与心的工作。宣讲不单单是声带与细胞运作的结果。我们的灵性生命,我们的生活质量是我们讲道的基石及根源。He said priests must not only prepare their homilies but also themselves. “Preaching is a ministry of the soul and the heart, not just of the vocal chords and brain cells. Our spiritual life is the true foundation of our homilies,” he said.9.他相信我们的讲道会有所提高,如果我们神父们能够懂得如何更少地去谈论而更多地去聆听。Villegas said homilies will improve if priests cut their love for talking and instead increase their love for listening.10.他最后也强调了生活的简朴与道理的简洁的重要。“简朴的生活会帮助我们停止在讲道中谈论金钱与募捐。简朴或简洁也是指我们不应该将讲道台变成竞选平台,我们应该避免在讲道中谈论政治。简洁的讲道也含有不应该让我们的讲道变成戏剧般的表演,那是电视连续剧及喜剧应该担负的责任。”He also underscored the simplicity of message and of life.“ Simplicity of life will also help us to stop talking about money and fund raising in the homily. Money talk has never been edifying. Simplicity means resisting to use the pulpit as a means to get back at those who oppose us,” he said. He said simplicity also demands that priests keep divisive election politics away from the lectern. “Simplicity in homilies means not desiring to make people laugh or cry – leave that to telenovelas and noontime shows,” he said.