|Bishop Barron
翻译|Carrie2017-12-27朋友们,我们今天纪念宗徒及福音书作者圣若望。圣若望诚然是个精神大师,但他也是个文学大师。在他的福音书中,我们处处可见他的文学功底,但尤为明显之处在于描绘耶稣死而复活的故事中。这些故事可在他的福音书第二十和第二十一章中找到。今天的福音取自第二十章,并且简而言之,如果我们眼光独到,就可以看出这篇福音包含了整个基督教精神。“一周的第一天…”复活节周日是全新的创世日。在首个创世日,天主说:“有光!”,而如今在复活节当天,曾说过“我是世界的光”的那位已经死而复活。这意味着改天换地、万象更新。Friends, today we celebrate the feast of St. John the Apostle and Evangelist. St. John is, of course, a spiritual master, but he is a literary master as well. We can see his skill throughout his Gospel, but perhaps especially in the stories dealing with the resurrected Jesus. We can find them in the 20th and 21st chapters of his Gospel. Our passage for today is from chapter 20, and it contains, in short compass, the whole of Christianity, if we have the eyes to see it."On the evening of that first day of the week…" Easter Sunday is the new creation day. On the first creation day, God had said, "Let there be light," and now, on Easter day, the one who said, "I am the light of the world" has returned from the dead. And this means that everything has changed, and everything has been recreated.