Bishop Barron翻译|Carrie2019-1-31朋友们,今天的福音说到基督之光是如何影响我们的生活的。光的好在于照亮、增辉和添彩。但光也会令人不安。我们大多数人在直射的光中都不好看,这是我在拍摄《天主教教义》影片中发现的,室内人造的间接光源更好。刺眼的阳光显露出你脸上的所有缺陷、瑕疵和特征。想想地下室阴暗的一角或冷巷突然被光照亮,虫子虱蚤现身,令人讨厌的东西因怕光而四处逃窜,寻找掩护。当你邀请耶稣进入你的生活,也就是引进光芒。这是好事,但同时也令人恐惧。耶稣将照亮你生活的每一个角落,你家中每一个房间。在黑暗里或间接光中看上去还可以的东西将凸现出丑陋的面目。Friends, today’s Gospel shows how the light of Christ affects our lives. Well, light is wonderful in the measure that it illumines and brightens and delights. But light can also be disconcerting. Think of how bad most of us look in direct light! I discovered this while filming the CATHOLICISM series. I much prefer the indirect light that you can produce indoors. The full glare of the sun reveals every flaw, imperfection, and peculiarity of your face.Think of what happens when you suddenly shine a light into a dark corner in your basement or down a lonely alley. The bugs and the vermin reveal themselves. Unsavory things scurry about for cover, afraid of the light.When you invite Jesus into your life, you are inviting the light into your life. Again, this is wonderful, but it is also frightening. Jesus will shine his light in every corner of your life, in every room of your house. Things that look okay in the dark or in the indirect light will suddenly stand out in all of their unpleasantness.