|Bishop Barron
翻译|Carrie2018-1-10朋友们,在今天的马尔谷福音中,我们看到行动中的耶稣。《马尔谷福音》的第一章给我们描述了耶稣“日常的一天”。那是多么忙碌的一天啊!这段福音承接了耶稣在葛法翁城的会堂里驱魔的戏剧性一幕。然后,耶稣进入西满的家,并治好了他的岳母。注意祂握着她的手,扶她起来,使她可以服侍他人。病痛对我们有什么影响?我们因病痛而自我封闭。西满的岳母一旦被治愈了,即开展为他人服务的工作。随之,镇上所有人都蜂拥而至。耶稣整晚都在治愈各种病患,人数大概有好几百。马尔谷把耶稣刻画成一位治病者,即Soter,意思是“萨卢斯(司健康、幸福和兴盛的女神)的载体”或健康。在祂身上,神性和人性二合为一;在祂身上,神圣生活和神圣力量突围而出。天主对其心的受造物所持有的意旨出现了——天主为我们在将来的天国里所计划的一切如今在人类历史上可待发生。Friends, in the Gospel of Mark today, we see Jesus in action. We are reading from the section of Mark’s first chapter that gives us a sort of "day in the life" of Jesus. And it is quite a day! Our Gospel opens just after the dramatic expulsion of a demon in the Capernaum synagogue. After entering the house of Simon, Jesus cures Peter’s mother-in-law.Notice that he takes her by the hand and brings her to her feet so that she can be of service. What does sickness do to us? It draws us in around ourselves. Once she is cured, Simon’s mother-in-law commences to serve, to be for the other. Then the entire town comes to his door. He spends the whole evening curing presumably hundreds who were variously afflicted.Mark presents Jesus as a healer, soter, which just means "the bearer of the salus" or health. In him, divinity and humanity have come together; in him, the divine life and divine power are breaking through. God’s deepest intentions appear—what God plans for us in the kingdom to come is now historically anticipated.

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