|Bishop Barron
翻译|Carrie2018-1-11朋友们,今天的福音是关于耶稣治愈了一名癞病人。癞病在古时候让人恐惧,就好像现代那些有传染性又古怪的病一样。但不仅如此,癞病人被视为不洁净,因此无法参与崇拜活动。在古以色列时代,负责检查病人的是神父,这并非偶然。跪在耶稣面前恳求治疗的这个人关心的不单单是自身的疾病,因为他还是一个被排斥于圣殿之外的以色列人。由此,他恰到好处地象征了当时处于四分五裂、离乡别井和彷徨失措之境况的以色列。从象征意义上来说,耶稣通过治愈他来召集以色列各部族,让他们重新崇拜真正的天主。Friends, our Gospel for today has to do with Jesus’ healing of a leper. Leprosy frightened people in ancient times, just as contagious and mysterious diseases frightened people up through modern times. But, more than this, leprosy rendered someone unclean and therefore incapable of engaging in the act of worship. It is not accidental that the person who should do the examining of the patient in ancient Israel should be the priest.The man who knelt before Jesus and begged for a cure was not simply concerned about his medical condition; he was an Israelite in exile from the Temple—and hence he was a very apt symbol of the general condition of scattered, exiled, wandering Israel. In curing him, Jesus was, symbolically speaking, gathering the tribes and bringing them back to the worship of the true God.