Bishop Barron翻译|Carrie2018-2-5
朋友们,今天的福音说到耶稣在革乃撒勒治好了很多人。整个地区的病人都被带到耶稣跟前并得到治愈。“凡耶稣所到的地方,或村庄,或城市,或乡间,人都把患病的人放在街道上,求耶稣容许他们,至少摸摸他的衣边;凡摸到他的,就都痊愈了。”耶稣是著名的治愈者和奇迹制造者这一点是难以否认的。众多证据表明奇迹的发生是人们相信首批福音传道者的主要原因。除了奇迹,我们还有殉道者的见证。今天是圣亚加大的纪念日,她因忠于耶稣而牺牲,但她的牺牲并非枉然的。她的见证一直在西西里岛及全世界闪光。奇迹和殉道者:是照亮耶稣基督之真理的两盏明灯。Friends, today’s Gospel reports Jesus healing many people at Gennesaret. We hear that people brought the sick from all over the region and all of them were cured. “Whatever villages or towns or countryside he entered, they laid the sick in the marketplaces and begged him that they might touch only the tassel on his cloak; and as many as touched it were healed.”It’s hard to deny that Jesus was known as a healer and a miracle worker. And there is also abundant evidence that the performance of miracles was a major reason why the first preachers were taken seriously.In addition to miracles, we also have the witness of martyrs. Today marks the memorial of St. Agatha, who died in fidelity to Christ. But her death wasn’t in vain. Her witness continues to shine throughout Sicily and across the world.Miracles and martyrs: two beacons of light that illuminate the truth of Jesus Christ.