Bishop Barron翻译|Carrie
2018-2-18朋友们,我们已进入美好而神圣的四旬期。四旬期本质上是旷野期、简朴期、净化期和禁欲期。今天在《马尔谷福音》的耶稣受试探的故事中,我们注意到是圣神自己催促耶稣到旷野去。救恩史中那么多的伟大人物——亚巴郎、雅各伯、若瑟、梅瑟、依撒意亚、耶肋米亚、达味——在开始工作前都必须先接受考验。各种部落都有相似的成年仪式——《星球大战》中的路克·天行者也受过相似的考验。旷野代表返璞归真。旷野中不存在五光十色、灯红酒绿或奢侈品,一切都是必不可少、不可或缺、质朴自然的。身处旷野的人要么活要么死。人在旷野中能发现自己潜在的优缺点,就像锻造中的金属一样。话说回来,耶稣身无罪恶,但在祂的人性中,祂知道诱惑的滋味。在我们继续工作之前,我们必须与祂一起走入旷野。Friends, we have come to the great and holy season of Lent. Lent is, by its nature, a desert time, a time of simplicity, purification, and asceticism. We notice today in Mark’s account of the temptation that the Spirit himself led Jesus into the desert.In so many of the great figures of salvation history—Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, David—a period of testing is required before they can commence their work. We see the same thing in the initiation rituals of tribal peoples as well—and you can see it in Luke Skywalker’s initiation in Star Wars.The desert represents a stripping away so as to make the fundamental things appear. In the desert, there are no distractions or diversions or secondary matters. Everything is basic, necessary, simple. One survives or one doesn’t.One discovers in the desert strengths and weaknesses he didn’t know he had. It is like the purifying of a metal in fire. Now, Jesus didn’t have sin to deal with, but in his humanity, he knew temptation. Before we’re ready to resume our work, we have to go with him into the wilderness.