Bishop Barron翻译|Carrie
2018-2-11朋友们,今天的福音说到耶稣治好了一个痳疯病人。现在痳疯病人已不多见,但有很多人被我们当作外人或社会弃儿那样对待。我们要像耶稣一样向他们表示友好。如此理解今天的福音,我毫不反对,但我想你们对此也已经耳熟能详了。允许我提供一种稍微不一样的象征性解读:这个痳疯病人与其说是代表了社会弃儿,不如说是代表了偏离了正确崇拜的人、再也不能或不愿崇拜真天主的人。因此,耶稣叫这个痳疯病人“去叫司祭检验你。” 换句话说,回到你远离良久的圣殿。为什么崇拜如此重要?崇拜意味着我们要以永生的天主为重心来安排生活的全部内容,从而使得我们的内心世界和外在环境都变得条理井然。崇拜意味着我们要以行动来向自己表明人生的终极意义。不是天主需要我们的崇拜,而是我们非常需要崇拜天主。Friends, our Gospel for today has to do with Jesus’ healing a leper. There aren’t that many lepers around today, but there are plenty of people that we treat as outsiders or pariahs. Like Jesus, we should be welcoming to them. Now I have nothing particularly against that way of reading the situation, but I suspect that we’ve all heard it a thousand times.Let me propose a symbolic reading a little different from the customary one. I propose that the leper here stands, not so much for the socially ostracized, but for the one who has wandered away from right worship, the one who is no longer able or willing to worship the true God. That’s why Jesus tells the man to "go show yourself to the priest." In other words, go back to the Temple from which you’ve been away for so long.What is so important about worship? To worship is to order the whole of one’s life toward the living God, and, in doing so, to become interiorly and exteriorly rightly ordered. To worship is to signal to oneself what one’s life is finally about. It’s nothing that God needs, but it is very much something that we need.