Bishop Barron翻译|Carrie2018-2-12朋友们,在今天的福音中,法利塞人要求耶稣以征兆(大概就是奇迹)来证明祂的权威。但我想你们留意的是最后一句:“他就离开他们,再上船往对岸去了。”那是谁的船?通过前文可知那船属于祂的门徒。耶稣上船让人想起祂与伯多禄的初次会面。一天,伯多禄照平常一样清洗渔网、准备捕鱼。耶稣却一声不响、未经允许就上了他的船。船是伯多禄的命根、生计和保障。但耶稣直接上船并开始下令。这就是天主的恩宠。我们无法操纵、支配或约束真天主。我们不能像福音中的法利塞人那样要求天主为我们做事。相反,祂经常在我们生活中出乎意料地不请自来,并且支配、掌控着我们。祂的存在是纯粹的恩宠。不要向天主索取征兆,而要像门徒那样,让祂上你的船。Friends, in today’s Gospel, the Pharisees demand Jesus give them a sign in order to prove his authority, perhaps a miracle. But I’d like to draw your attention to the final line in the passage: "He left them, got into the boat again, and went off to the other shore."Whose boat was this? Well, the previous verses confirm it belonged to his disciples. Jesus entering the boat calls to mind his first encounter with Peter. One day, Peter was going about his ordinary business, washing his nets and preparing for a catch. Then without warning, without asking permission, Jesus got into his boat. Now the boat was everything for Peter; it was his livelihood, his security. But Jesus just got in and began giving orders.So it goes in the order of grace. The true God cannot be manipulated, determined by us, or controlled through our efforts. We can’t act like the Pharisees in today’s Gospel, demanding that God behave for us. Rather, he comes into our lives—often unbidden and unexpected—and determines us, controls us. His presence is pure grace.Don’t demand signs from God. Instead, do what the disciples did and let him enter your boat.