Bishop Barron翻译|Carrie2018-3-13朋友们,在今天的福音中,我们读到耶稣妙手回春地治愈了一个患病三十八年的瘫痪者。祂看见这人躺在池边的席上,就问:“你愿意痊愈吗?”瘫痪者说愿意,耶稣则回答:“起来,拿起你的床,行走吧!”那人立即痊愈了。故事说到这里,气氛确实紧张起来。我们注意到福音书经常提到的一点:对于天主的创造性行为,人们进行反抗、企图用尽一切理由(无论如何蹩脚)去拒绝、视若无睹、诸多责难。按常理,瘫痪者四周的所有人应该欢欣雀跃,但事实正好相反:犹太领袖怒气冲天、惊慌失措。他们看到痊愈的瘫痪者时的第一反应是:“今天是安息日,不许你拿床。”为什么他们有这么大的反应?为什么他们不想瘫痪者痊愈?我们罪人不喜欢天主之道。天主之道令我们不安、心感威胁。为什么?因为我们依靠压迫和排挤他人来提升自我,而天主之道破坏了我们这些把戏。让这个故事提醒我们:天主之道不是我们的行事方式,而且这里有比安息日更大的。Friends, in today’s Gospel we find the beautiful healing of a paralyzed man who had been ill for thirty-eight years. Jesus sees the man lying on his mat, next to a pool, and asks, "Do you want to be well?" The man says yes, and Jesus replies, "Rise, take up your mat, and walk." Immediately, the man is healed.Now at this point, the story really heats up. We notice something that is frequently on display in the Gospels: the resistance to the creative work of God, the attempt to find any excuse, however lame, to deny it, to pretend it’s not there, to condemn it.One would expect that everyone around the cured man would rejoice, but just the contrary: the Jewish leaders are infuriated and confounded. They see the healed man and their first response is, "It is the Sabbath, and it is not lawful for you to carry your mat."Why are they so reactive? Why don’t they want this to be? We sinners don’t like the ways of God. We find them troubling and threatening. Why? Because they undermine the games of oppression and exclusion that we rely upon in order to boost our own egos.Let this encounter remind us that God’s ways are not our ways, and that there is one even greater than the Sabbath.