Bishop Barron翻译|Carrie2018-3-15朋友们,在今天的福音中,耶稣说圣父为祂作证。耶稣的说话是圣父的说话、耶稣的行动是圣父的行动。祂的故事是圣父的故事。大自然为天主提供证据、哲学家说出天主的真理、艺术能反映天主、圣人的一生可以指向天主——但耶稣是天主的肖像。可以说,我们在这篇福音中感受到圣言的谦逊。耶稣的说话和行动都不是“祂自己的”,而是来自圣父的。为尊重这一点,三位一体的神学传统把圣子叫做圣父内心的圣言而且论及圣子的一切均来自圣父。Friends, in today’s Gospel Jesus says that his Father’s works testify to his identity. Jesus’ words are the Father’s words, and his deeds are the Father’s deeds. His story is the Father’s story.Nature speaks of God, the philosophers say true things about God, the arts can reflect him, the lives of the saints can indicate him—but Jesus is the icon.We sense in this passage, if I can put it this way, the humility of the Logos. Neither the words nor the deeds of Jesus are “his own.” They are received from the Father. The Trinitarian theological tradition respects this when it speaks of the Son as the interior word of the Father and as having received everything from the Father.