Bishop Barron翻译|Carrie2018-3-14朋友们,在今天的福音中,我们看到耶稣是给予慈悲和爱的审判者。在《圣经》中,无论是《旧约》还是《新约》,都很难找到没有写满神圣审判的篇章。我们可以把审判看作是一种光明,既照亮正面的东西,也照亮负面的东西。美好的东西在光照下越发美丽;丑恶的东西则更为丑恶。当神圣的光辉照耀,当审判开始,真爱就得以释放。有些人长期不去看病,怕知道自己患了某种疾病或绝症。但如果他们愿意去看医生,即使医生对他们的身体状况做出难以接受的“审判”,情况也会比蒙在鼓里更好得多!因此,审判是君王专有的行为,这种行为不是施行强权,而是贯彻真爱。Friends, in today’s Gospel we see Jesus as the judge who shows mercy and love. It is hard to read any two pages of the Bible—Old Testament or New—and not find the language of divine judgment.Think of judgment as a sort of light, which reveals both the positive and the negative. Beautiful things look even more beautiful when the light shines on them; ugly things look even uglier when they come into the light. When the divine light shines, when judgment takes place, something like real love is unleashed.Someone might avoid seeing the doctor for years, fearful that he will uncover something diseased or deadly. But how much better it is for you when you do, even when the doctor pronounces a harsh "judgment" on your physical condition!And this is why judgment is the proper activity of a king. It is not the exercise of arbitrary power, but rather an exercise of real love.2018-3-16朋友们,今天的福音重点是一个我们难以言尽的主题:耶稣的神性。近年来,社会上有种令人不安的倾向——这种倾向在艾克哈特·托勒的畅销书《当下的力量》中清晰可见——即把耶稣转化为一位激励人心的灵修导师,就像佛陀或者苏菲行者那样。但若耶稣仅仅是个灵修导师,我们大可不必理祂。福音书从来都不满足于这种简陋的称呼。虽然福音书作者十分明显地把耶稣描绘为一位导师,但他们知道祂的身份无限地大于导师。他们坚称在祂身上以及在我们与祂的关系中有着利害攸关的东西。在今天的福音中,耶稣直言自己与圣父的关系:“但我不是由我自己而来,而是那真实者派遣我来的,你们却不认识他;我认识他,因为我是出于他,是他派遣了我。”Friends, the Gospel for today centers around a theme that we can never speak of enough: the divinity of Jesus. There has been a disturbing tendency in recent years—you can see it clearly in Eckhart Tolle’s bestselling book, The Power of Now—to turn Jesus into an inspiring spiritual teacher, like the Buddha or the Sufi mystics.But if that’s all he is, the heck with him. The Gospels are never content with such a reductive description. Though they present Jesus quite clearly as a teacher, they know that he is infinitely more than that. They affirm that something else is at stake in him and in our relation to him.In our Gospel today, Jesus plainly declares his relationship with his Father: “I did not come on my own, but the one who sent me, whom you do not know, is true. I know him, because I am from him, and he sent me.”2018-3-17朋友们,今天的福音说到人们对耶稣的说话有着不同的反应。祂宣讲的是什么?“你们悔改吧!因为天国临近了。” 我们不能把这句话太简单化或过于精神抽象化,认为祂只是要求我们变得更好、更宽宏大量、更善良。祂宣讲的不止这些。祂宣讲的内容是其救世使命的重要部分。祂说的大概就是:以色列将有新秩序、支派要聚合、雅威要一统天下。因此,你们要调整生活、愿景和期望、现在就要活得像新王国的成员。以色列人知道默西亚的主要任务是与以色列的敌人交战、对所有反抗天主创造旨意的力量作出最终处置,其中包括政治压迫者、宗教骗子以及自私的法利塞人——耶稣对这些人都一一作出处置和对质。Friends, today’s Gospel reports the mixed reactions of people to Jesus’ message. What does he say as he preaches? "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." We mustn’t flatten this out or render it too spiritually abstract, as though he were talking only about becoming nicer people, more generous and more kind. His preaching was about more than that. It was part and parcel of his Messianic vocation.What he was saying was something like this: a new order is breaking out in Israel, the tribes are coming back together, and Yahweh is going to reign. Therefore, adjust your lives, your vision, your expectations. Start living even now as members of this new kingdom.Israelites knew that a major task of the Messiah was to engage the enemies of Israel, to deal definitively with those powers opposed to God’s creative purpose. This very much included political oppressors, religious charlatans, and self-absorbed Pharisees—all of whom Jesus deals with and confronts.