Bishop Barron翻译|Carrie2018-3-28
朋友们,在今天的福音中,耶稣让门徒到耶路撒冷城里准备逾越节晚餐。逾越节晚餐的重点在于吃献祭的羔羊,以此纪念首个逾越节的羔羊,当时身处埃及的以色列人把那些羔羊的血涂在门框上。主把逾越节晚餐作为祂的最后晚餐,就是表示祂实现了洗者若翰的预言:祂是天主的羔羊、最终的牺牲。这份祭品在每场弥撒中以圣事的方式供人享用——目的并非为了天主(因为天主一无所需),而是为了我们而设。在弥撒中,我们参与神性与人性的交融,吃喝的是天主羔羊献祭的血肉。Friends, in today’s Gospel Jesus asks his disciples to go into Jerusalem and prepare a Passover supper.At the heart of the Passover meal was the eating of a lamb, which had been sacrificed, in remembrance of the lambs of the original Passover, whose blood had been smeared on the doorposts of the Israelites in Egypt. Making his Last Supper a Passover meal, Jesus was signaling the fulfillment of John the Baptist’s prophecy that he, Jesus, would be the Lamb of God and the definitive sacrifice.This sacrifice is made sacramentally present at every Mass—not for the sake of God, who has no need of it, but for our sake. In the Mass, we participate in the act by which divinity and humanity are reconciled, and we eat the sacrificed body and drink the poured-out blood of the Lamb of God.