Bishop Barron翻译|Carrie2018-6-6朋友们,在今天的福音中,耶稣与当时的唯物主义者辩论,即那些否认复活的撒杜塞人。他们提出一个让人啼笑皆非的案例:七兄弟娶了同一个妻子后都死了并且没有留下子嗣。他们问:“复活时,他们复活以后,她将是他们中那一个人的妻子?”耶稣不理会这种肤浅的诡辩。身体是一种沟通的方式。最激烈的人际沟通莫过于夫妻之间的性、心理和私密的亲昵。因为在这个世界上,我们的身体是有局限和限制的,所以这种亲密关系只能发生于两个人之间。天国里也有身体,但是经过改观、美化和提升的——保禄说的精神性的身体。尽管这种身体依然是一种沟通的方式,但因为变得十分热烈和精神化以致于可以与所有热主的人进行亲密的交融。我们的身体在天国里没有逊色,而是成为超级身体。天国里的沟通更深远、更亲密,而且是与所有人一起的沟通。因此,在天国里,我们每个人不是只与另一个人结婚,而是与所有人联婚。这一切在耶稣死而复活后都变得一清二楚。Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus is debating the materialists of his day: the Sadducees, those who deny the resurrection. They put forward an almost comical case of seven brothers who died leaving no descendants for the widow. They ask, “At the resurrection whose wife will she be?” Jesus brushes aside this bit of facile casuistry.The body is a means of communication. The most intense personal communication possible is that which happens between two married people—sexual, psychological, and personal intimacy. Given the limitations and restrictions of our bodies here below, this type of intimacy is possible only with one other person.The heavenly state involves a body too, but a transformed, transfigured, and elevated body—what Paul called a spiritual body. It is still a means of communication, but now it is so intense and spiritualized that it can mediate an intimate communion with all those who love the Lord. We are not less than bodily in heaven; we are super-bodily. We communicate more extensively and more intimately, and with everyone. Hence, in heaven we are not given to one person in marriage, but to all. All of this becomes plain in the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead.2018-6-7朋友们,今天的福音重点在于天主的圣言自己告诉我们法律的核心。有个经师试探着问了这个问题:“哪条诫命是最大的?” 犹太教体系里有很多法律,所以辣彼们最爱做的事情就是找出能阐明整套法律的某条规则。于是,耶稣给出祂著名的回答:“第一条是:‘以色列!你要听!上主我们的天主是唯一的天主。你们当全心、全灵、全力爱上主,你的天主。’第二条是:‘你应当爱近人如你自己。’再没有别的诫命比这两条更大的了。”这个回答是什么意思?法律归根到底就是爱,爱天主和爱近人是紧紧相联的。如果我们爱天主,但憎恨近人,那就是浪费时间。为什么这两种爱如此紧密联系?因为耶稣的身份。耶稣不仅仅是人,也不仅仅是天主。祂是天主和人的结合,既有神性也有人性。因此,我们无法只把祂作为天主来爱,而不爱祂亲手创造并欣然接受的人性。Friends, our Gospel for today features the Word of God himself telling us what stands at the heart of the Law. A scribe posed, as a kind of game, the following question: "Which is the first of all the commandments?" There were hundreds of laws in the Jewish system. So it was a favorite exercise of the rabbis to seek out the single rule that somehow clarified the whole of the Law.So Jesus gives his famous answer: "The first is this: ‘Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is Lord alone! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these."What does that mean? The law is finally about love, and the love of God and neighbor are inextricably bound to one another. If we love God, but hate our neighbors, we’re wasting our time.Why are the two loves so tightly connected? Because of who Jesus is. Jesus is not just a human being, and he is not just God. He is the God-man, the one in whom divinity and humanity come together. Therefore, it’s impossible to love him as God without loving the humanity that he’s created and embraced.

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