文/王志刚 Loyola(伊甸乐园)指导司铎:朱杰神父 国际团队:MELY2005今日圣言07/22/18耶23:1-6弗2:13-18玛6:30-34今日读经中讲到了牧羊的故事。羊不是一个非常聪明的动物,它仅能靠着牧羊人获得食物、住处及安全。但它们却在从羊圈中如何逃出去方面很聪明。读经一中,天主对忽视天主羊群的牧人,做出了严厉的警告。读经二讲到了耶稣基督如何用他的十字架,牺牲自己的生命,聚集所有的人来到天主的面前。福音告诉我们,耶稣基督我们的主,再一次怜悯了那些没有牧人带领的一群人。今天是主日,让我们聚集在耶稣善牧的周围,以他的圣言与体血为食。作为牧人——神父、家长、领袖、教师——承认并忏悔自己的缺失;作为羊群,承认并忏悔自己逃跑的行为;在主的爱和关怀下,共同分享耶稣基督赐给我们生命的安宁。WORD Today07/22/18Jer 23:1-6Eph 2:13-18Mk 6:30-34Today we read about shepherding.Sheep are not very bright. They depend on their shepherd for food, shelter and safety. But they are clever in escaping from their pen!The 1st Reading is God's warning to shepherds who neglect their sheep.The 2nd Reading recalls how Christ gathered all peoples to God with His cross.The Gospel shows our Lord moved with pity on a crowd who were like sheep without a shepherd.This Lord's Day, let us gather around our Good Shepherd and feed on His Word and Flesh. As shepherds - priests, parents, leaders, teachers - we admit and repent the times we failed; as sheep we admit and repent the times we escaped; and together feel the peace of a life secured by His love and care.