文/伊甸乐园园丁(伊甸乐园)指导司铎:朱杰神父 国际团队:MELY2005
翻译:李文香今日圣言09/08/18米该亚先知书 5:1-4玛窦福音 1:1-23“亚巴郎…达味…勒哈贝罕,阿彼雅,阿撒,约沙法特,约兰,乌齐雅,约堂,阿哈次,希则克雅…”今日福音一开始就是一长串我们大部分都不太熟悉的族谱的名字,一直到出现我们最熟悉的一句话“玛利亚生耶稣,他称为基督!”哇,读到这里,一片繁荣景象!我们仿佛看到了圣诞节,彷佛看到空中烟花四射!整个旧约可以看作是从公元前2000年(耶稣诞生前)一直到公元元年(耶稣诞生为标志)的一部漫长的甚至有点令人厌倦的历史倒计时画卷。整个公元前看起来都非常暗淡无光直到玛利亚对天主无条件地顺服,她愿意选择做天主子的母亲。圣母玛利亚打开了人类新纪元的大门。请思考:你的生命还在公元前的模式吗?还仍然有很多失败和痛苦吗?现在邀请你来到圣母妈妈面前,她将协同耶稣为你的生命打开一扇充满惊喜的大门。今天是圣母诞辰日,我们要送给圣母妈妈最好的生日礼物就是完全献上我们自己,就是对我们的主耶稣长兄常常顺服,按照圣经的话去做。圣母妈妈,生日快乐!WORD Today09/08/18Mi 5:1-4Mt 1:1-23"Abraham... David... Rehoboam, Abijah, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Joram, Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah..."The Gospel starts with a very long countdown of mostly unfamiliar names - until it gets to "Mary. Of her was born Jesus Christ."BOOM! The sky lights up with fireworks! At long last it is Christmas!The Old Testament can seem like a long and tiresome countdown from 2000 BC (Before Christ) until year 0. With the exception of a few, BC was a long list of mostly failed lives until Mary gave her unconditional Yes to be mother of the Son of God. She opened the door to mankind's new year.Is your life still in BC mode? A list of failures and sorrows? Come to Mary our mother; she opens the door to an exciting life with Jesus.Today is our Mother's birthday. Let our birthday gift to her be our own total and constant Yes to Brother Jesus and His Gospel.HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAMA MARY