Bishop Barron翻译|Carrie2018-9-16朋友们,今天的福音记述伯多禄在门徒之间的告白。耶稣问了那个古怪的问题:“人们说我是谁?”,祂最初得到的回复是民意调查显示:洗者若翰、厄里亚或先知中的一位。然后耶稣转过来问那些与祂最亲近的人:“你们说我是谁呢?”他们沉默不语、心感害怕、不愿发言。最后伯多禄说:“你是默西亚,永生的天主之子。”伯多禄答对了,这是因为他最聪明?不是。是因为他圣洁、与耶稣亲近?不是。我们都知道伯多禄的懦弱、背叛和愚蠢。赐予伯多禄这份深刻见解的是圣父——而不是因为伯多禄的聪敏或探究之心。这是一份超自然的赏赐,一种特殊的恩典。教会正是建立于这一天启的告白。Friends, today’s Gospel reports Peter’s confession of faith in the midst of the disciples, when Jesus asks that strange question: “Who do people say that I am?” What he gets by way of response is, first, a public opinion survey: John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.Then Jesus turns to those closest to him, and he asks them, “But who do you say that I am?” They are silent, afraid, unwilling, unable to speak. Finally it is Peter who speaks: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” And he gets it right. Does he get it right because he is the most intelligent? Please. Because he is holy and close to Jesus? Please. We know the whole story of Peter’s weakness, betrayal, stupidity.It is the Father who has given Peter this insight—not Peter’s clever mind or searching heart. It is a supernatural gift, a special charism. And it is upon this inspired confession that the Church is built.

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