Bishop Barron翻译|Carrie2018-10-1朋友们,今天纪念圣女婴孩耶稣小德兰。对于小德兰的精神,最好的引言是她于1896年9月(她逝世前一年)进行避静后在圣心的玛丽修女要求下写的一段回忆录。她写的是“的科学”,完全以耶稣在她心中寄予的爱为条件的认知和行动:“耶稣不惜屈尊降贵来为我标明走向神圣火炉的路径,而这条路径就是像婴孩那样交出所有,毫无畏惧地在圣父怀里熟睡。”小德兰认为天主喜欢与那些完全服从祂的指引、承认自己完全依赖祂、甘愿接受恩赐的人共事。凡是认为天主的爱必须通过个人努力来博取或者个人与天主的关系来自经济核算都是与健康的灵修生活背道而驰的:“耶稣需要我们做的不是伟大之举,而仅仅是交出所有和心存感激。”当我们有着正确的态度,一切皆有可能。跟随着小德兰,我们在最卑微的位置作出任何最简单的行动都能得到天主的欢心并有益于教会。我们需要做的就只是交出自己的所有,如同婴孩一样甜睡在天父的怀里。Friends, today is the Memorial of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus. The best introduction to Thérèse’s spirituality is a text that she wrote at the behest of Sr. Marie of the Sacred Heart, a sort of memoir of the retreat that she made in September 1896, just a year before her death.What she offers is a “science of love,” a way of knowing and acting that is utterly conditioned by the love that Jesus has placed in her heart: “Jesus deigned to show me the road that leads to this Divine Furnace, and this road is the surrender of the little child who sleeps without fear in its Father’s arms.”God, Thérèse concluded, is pleased to work with those who have become utterly docile to his direction, who have acknowledged their total dependence upon him, their readiness to receive gifts. Any sense that God’s love must be earned or that a relationship with him is a product of economic calculation is repugnant to a healthy spirituality: “Jesus does not demand great actions from us but simply surrender and gratitude.”When this attitude is in place, anything and everything is possible. Following Thérèse, we can be pleasing to God and valuable to the Church in the humblest places and through the simplest acts. All we need to do is surrender, like a little child asleep in its Father’s arms.

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