Bishop Barron翻译|Carrie2018-12-9朋友们,在今天的福音中,路加引用先知依撒意亚的话:“你们当预备上主的道路,修直他的途径!”将临期教会年历中的等待时期——但这不是一种被动的等待。我们渴望、寻找、急切追求那位将道成肉身来到我们身边的天主。长话短说,我们为主耶稣基督预备道路。这种准备有着悔罪的层面,因为这是我们为救世主来临做好准备的时期。我们除非深信自己需要救赎,是不需要救世主的。我们在深深意识到自己的罪恶时,就知道自己一无是处、我们供奉的一切或多或少都是有污点的、不纯洁的。我们向天主奉上文化、职业和个人的成就,都无法救赎自己。但我们一旦领悟到这一点,我们就有了将临期的精神,迫切地渴望救世主。在《依撒意亚》中,我们读到:“如今,上主啊! 你是我们的父亲;我们只是泥土,你是的我们的陶工,我们都是你手中的作品。” 今天,让我们准备好自己,迎接陶工的来临。Friends, in today’s Gospel Luke quotes from the prophet Isaiah: "Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths."Advent is a great liturgical season of waiting—but not a passive waiting. We yearn, we search, and we reach out for the God who will come to us in human flesh. In short, we prepare the way of the Lord Jesus Christ.This preparation has a penitential dimension, because it is the season in which we prepare for the coming of a savior, and we don’t need a savior unless we’re deeply convinced there is something to be saved from. When we have become deeply aware of our sin, we know that we can cling to nothing in ourselves, that everything we offer is, to some degree, tainted and impure. We can’t show our cultural, professional, and personal accomplishments to God as though they are enough to save us. But the moment we realize that fact, we move into the Advent spirit, desperately craving a savior.In the book of Isaiah, we read: "Yet, O Lord, you are our father; we are the clay and you are the potter: we are all the work of your hands." Today, let us prepare ourselves for the potter to come.

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