原文|Bishop Barron
2017-6-28朋友们,今天是天主教早期教父圣依勒内的纪念日。他曾说,“Gloria Dei homo vivens”—天主的荣耀就是一个人生气勃勃地活着,这句话表达了基督教精神的核心。古代人敬奉的神大多数都被想象为人类的对手,监视和对抗着人类,并且对人类的杰出成就满怀忿恨。举个例子,希腊神话中的普罗米修斯是一位人类英雄,他为了全人类的福利,盗取了珍贵的天火传播人间。天神们获悉他的所作所为之后,都非常愤怒,找到普罗米修斯,把他绑在巨石上,每天派一只鹫鹰啄食他的肝脏。在这种孤注一掷、零和博弈的人神竞争中,普罗米修斯必须为自己的放肆行为付出代价。基督教并非如此。天主不是我们的对手,相反,祂为我们的勃勃生机而满怀欣喜。天主在兴高采烈之下慷慨地一挥手,整个天地随之倾斜而出。然后,更惊人的是,天主通过耶稣基督把人类受造物带入到跟祂如同好友般的亲密之中。
Friends, today we celebrate the feast of St. Irenaeus, a Father of the Church. He expressed the heart of Christian spirituality when he said, “Gloria Dei homo vivens”—the glory of God is a human being fully alive.So many of the gods worshipped by ancient peoples were imagined as rivals to humanity, competitors standing over and against us and resentful of our excellence. For instance, in the Greek myth of Prometheus, the human hero steals precious fire from the gods and spreads it on the earth to the benefit of all, but when the gods learn of this theft, they are outraged. They track down Prometheus, tie him to a rock, and send an eagle every day to tear out his liver. In the desperate zero-sum game of human/divine competition, Prometheus had to pay a price for his presumption.But there is none of this in Christianity. God is not our rival; rather he is the one who rejoices in our being fully alive. God pours out the whole of creation in an effervescent act of generosity, and then, even more surprisingly, he draws his human creatures, through Christ, into the intimacy of friendship with him.2017-6-27朋友们,今天的福音号召我们期待天主回应我们的祈祷信仰是力量,因为信仰为我们通往天主的真实存在搭起桥梁,而天主的真实存在正是创造宇宙并使之持续发展的力量。当我们困于自己的观念、想法和希望之中,我们的生活是颇受限制的。心怀信仰意味着毫不落伍、灵活变通、敢于冒险、勇于深入虎穴、相信奇迹。有时,信仰的力量以惊人的、快捷明显的方式显现。信仰疗法历史悠久,可以从众多圣人一直追溯到耶稣。当我们有意识并且有信心地向天主敞开心扉,成为一种渠道,神圣的能量便得以流向我们。还有祈祷的力量。当人们带着信念祈祷,真真正正地相信他们会得偿所愿,他们就能得偿所愿。
Friends, today’s Gospel calls us to expect that God will answer our prayers. Faith is power, for it is a link to the reality of God, the power that made and sustains the cosmos. When we remain in the narrow confines of our perceptions, our thoughts, our hopes, we live in a very cramped way.To have faith is, to use the current jargon, to live outside of the box, risking, venturing, believing the impossible. Sometimes, the power of faith is manifested in spectacular and immediately obvious ways. There is a long tradition, stretching back to Jesus himself and including many of the saints, of faith healing. When someone consciously and confidently opens himself to God, acting as a kind of conduit, the divine energy can flow.There is also the power of prayer. When some people ask in a spirit of trust, really believing that what they are asking for will happen, it happens.2017-6-26朋友们,在今天的福音中,耶稣命令我们不要判断他人。他问,“为什么你只看见你兄弟眼中的木屑,而对自己眼中的大梁竟不理会呢?” 我们非常擅长找出别人的缺点,对自己的缺点却常常视若无睹。在我年少时,曾经有本畅销书,名叫《我好你也好》(“I’m Okay and You’re Okay.”). 它代表了一种流行文化,即:自我开脱和自我感觉良好。几年前,歌手Christina Aguilera( 克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉)在歌中浅吟低唱着:“我在每一个方面都如此美丽,你的话打击不了我。” 看看当今众多的辩论,赢家的态度都是我有我创造和我有我主张。你有什么资格对我指手画脚?这些都只能说明,我们根本就是不愿意正视自己的过失、缺点和阴暗面。我们为自己注射特效药,止住了来自真正自我觉悟的痛楚。从而,我们把自己贵为天主,自命十全十美、完美无缺并且无可挑剔。因此,“先从你眼中取出大梁,然后你才看得清楚,取出你兄弟眼中的木屑…”
Friends, in today’s Gospel Jesus commands us to stop judging others. He asks, “Why do you notice the splinter in your brother’s eye, but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own eye?” We are exceptionally good at seeing the fault in others, but we are exceptionally adept at ignoring it in ourselves.There was a very popular book that came out when I was a teenager. It was called, “I’m Okay and You’re Okay.” It represented the culture of exculpation and feel-good-about-yourself. Not many years ago, Christina Aguilera crooned, “I am beautiful in every single way and your words can’t get me down.” Look at so many of the debates today: the attitude that is winning is one of self-invention and self-assertion. Who are you to tell me how to behave?In all of this, we are fundamentally looking away from our guilt, our fault, our darkness. We are effectively drugging ourselves, dulling the pain of real self-consciousness. In the process, we turn ourselves into God, pretending to be absolute, flawless, and impervious to criticism. So “remove the wooden beam from your eye first; then you will see clearly to remove the splinter from your brother’s eye..”

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