原文|Bishop Barron
2017-7-9朋友们,在今天的福音中君王说,“凡劳苦和负重担的,你们都到我面前来;我要使你们安息。” 他说的是所有身负重担的人:经济上的忧虑、肉体上的折磨、含冤负屈、丧偶之痛或自身对死亡的恐惧。你肯定知道他指的是谁——我们都知道。出路是什么?出路在于臣服于他的王权。“你们背起我的轭,跟我学习吧!” 我们应该把自己想象成驮畜。虽然似乎有失身分,但臣服于基督的王权就是如此:我们为他服务,受其差遣。你的生活是否每个细节都受基督支配?他是不是你的家庭生活的主?是不是你的休闲时光的主?是不是你的职业生涯的主?是不是你的性生活的主?是不是你的友谊的主?你是否完全把自己交付于他,由他统治?我知道这开始听起来有压迫感,但记住,“我的轭是柔和的,我的担子是轻松的。” 当我们顺从地走上他为我们铺好的充满了的路,我们的生活就变得极其轻松、更为舒适、更加欢乐,因为我们与神圣的旨意齐步前行。
Friends, in our Gospel today, the king says, “come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” He is identifying every person who feels put upon by the world: economic worries, physical suffering, deep injustice, the death of a husband or wife, or the fear of your own death. You surely know what he’s referring to—we all do.What is the answer? The answer is submitting to his kingship. “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me.” We are meant to imagine ourselves as pack animals. It seems rather demeaning, but this is what submission to Christ’s lordship looks like: we serve his purposes and go where he wants us to go.Is Christ commanding your life in every detail? Is he the Lord of your family life? Of your recreational life? Of your professional life? Of your sexuality? Of your friendships? Are you totally given over to him, under his lordship?I know that this is starting to sound oppressive, but remember, “My yoke is easy and my burden is light.” When we surrender to the path of love which he has laid out for us, our lives become infinitely lighter, easier, more joyful, for we are moving with the divine purpose.2017-7-8朋友们,今天的福音中有人问耶稣为什么若翰及其门徒实行禁食,而他和他的门徒却不。耶稣的回答妙极了:“若新郎尚在场,婚宴上的客人怎能禁食?” 想象一下人们在婚宴上禁食的情景是怎样的?太荒谬了吧!耶稣还说,“没有人把新酒装入旧皮囊里的…” 新酒指的是耶稣的福音。装载这种新酒的容器必须符合规格,而不是要新酒来迎合容器。我们要领会福音,就不能苟且偷生于我们的罪恶灵魂的狭窄空间里,就不能有“作最坏打算”的心态。相反,我们要悔罪改过或洗心革面。另一种解释是高山流水遇知音。如果说天主就是爱,那么只有熊熊燃烧着爱火的灵魂才能真正领会天主。Friends, in today’s Gospel, people ask Jesus why he and his disciples do not fast when John and his disciples do. Jesus’ answer is wonderful: “How can the guests at a wedding fast while the groom is still with them?” Could you imagine people fasting at a wedding banquet? It would be ridiculous!Jesus also says, “No one pours new wine into old wineskins….” The new wine is the Gospel. The receptacle for this wine must be conformed to it, not the other way around.To take in the Good News, we can’t be living in the cramped space of our sinful souls. We can’t have an “expect the worst” attitude. Instead, we repent, or change the minds that we have. Another way to get at this is to say that like is known by like. If God is love, then only a soul that is on fire with love will properly take him in.2017-7-7朋友们,今天的福音记述了玛窦皈依耶稣的经过,故事虽简单但令人惊叹。我敦促你们在这周内研读并深思这个故事,因为它与你有关。《圣经》记载耶稣对玛窦说,“跟随我。” 耶稣的召唤本来就是要长驱直入你的头脑,然后通过你的头脑进入你的身体,再由你的身体深入你的人生,沉淀于你每一个最现实的决定之中。然后我们读到“玛窦就起来跟随了耶稣。” 其中“起来”这个动词在希腊语中跟形容耶稣死而复生所用的动词是同一的。皈依基督意味着转向更高层次的生活,超脱于世俗的纸醉金迷之上,并以天主的事务重定生活方向。然后我们读到玛窦皈依基督后发生的事情:“当耶稣在屋内坐席时,有许多税吏和罪人也来同耶稣和他的门徒一起坐席。” 法利塞人看到这样,非常恼火,他们问耶稣的门徒,“你们的老师为什么同税吏和罪人一起进食呢?” 答案是耶稣爱罪人,他接近罪人之前不会要求对方是个完人。Friends, our Gospel for today is the simple but magnificent story of the conversion of Matthew. I urge you to read it and meditate upon it this week, for it’s about you. The Bible says that Jesus told Matthew, “Follow me.” The call of Jesus is meant to get into your mind, and then past your mind into your body, and then through your body into your life into your most practical decisions.And then we hear that “Matthew got up and followed him.” The verb used here in the Greek is the same verb used to describe the resurrection of Jesus from the dead: Matthew rose. Conversion means a transition into a higher life, arising from a preoccupation with the goods of the world and a reorientation to the things of God.Then we hear what happened after Matthew’s conversion: “And as he sat at dinner in the house, many tax collectors and sinners came and were sitting with him and his disciples.” This deeply annoys the Pharisees, who ask of Jesus’ disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” The answer is that Jesus loves sinners, and he doesn’t require perfection before he approaches them.

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