原文|Bishop Barron
翻译|Carrie2017-7-20朋友们,在今天的福音中,耶稣给出的并不是又一条天主的哲理。祂给出的是来自圣三位一体内部的观点。正因如此,我们应该响应祂的这个激动人心的邀请:“凡劳苦和负重担的,你们都到我跟前来,我要使你们安息。”每个人都想获得安息,但这种安息指的不是放松,而是获得喜乐。我们认为把自我塞满了各种美好事物就能得到喜乐的观念是极其错误的。事实上,喜乐源于掏空自我,颠覆生活、朝天主的方向前行。我们在今天的福音中还读到这句异乎寻常的话:“你们背起我的轭,跟我学吧。” 耶稣自己正在背着祂所说的轭,因为祂和圣父共负一轭,祂看见圣父做什么,只会照着做。耶稣最本己的性质是言听计从。因此,祂的意思是要我们跟祂并肩站在一起,就像并排拉犁的两只牛一样。正如耶稣与圣父同负一轭,我们也应该跟耶稣同负一轭,像祂服从圣父那样服从于祂。
Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus is not offering us one more philosophy of God. He is offering us the view from the inside of the Trinity. And that is why we should respond to his compelling invitation: “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.”What everyone wants is rest, but not in the sense of relaxation. Rest here means achievement of joy. The great illusion is that joy will come from filling up the ego with goods. In fact, it will come from emptying out, from turning one’s life over to the direction of God.We also find in today’s Gospel those extraordinary words: “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me.” Jesus himself is bearing the yoke that he speaks of since he is yoked to the Father, doing only what he sees the Father doing. Jesus is, in his ownmost nature, the one who listens and obeys.What he is saying, therefore, is to stand next to him, just as one ox stands next to the other as they pull together. Just as Jesus is yoked to the Father, so we should be yoked to him, obeying him as he obeys the Father.2017-7-19朋友们,在今天的福音中,我们读到耶稣向圣父祈祷,从而得以分享天主的内在生活、听到圣三位一体中前两位的对话。瞒住了明达的人,而启示给小孩子的“事”是什么?不过就是天主内在生活的奥秘。那么,究竟为什么要把此事瞒住明达之人而揭露给小孩子呢?线索就在下一句话:“我父将一切交给了我。”神圣生活的本质是什么?是施与受的交流。圣父在忘我之中扶育着圣子,而圣子不愿自以为是,欣然接受圣父的恩宠。圣神就是圣父和圣子之间共享的天伦之乐。天主最本己的生活是一种深情对望。从亚当和厄娃直到今天,人类的根本问题在于,我们皆有所追寻,却从来没有把天主纳入寻找范围之内。我们企图用其他东西来填充自我,例如声色犬马、权势名望。但这是行不通的,因为我们生来就注定要回归天主,而天主就是
Friends, in today's Gospel we see Jesus praying to his Father. We are being given a share in the inner life of God, the conversation between the first two Trinitarian persons.And what are the "things" that have been concealed from the learned and revealed to the little ones? Nothing other than the mystery of the inner life of God.Now why, precisely, is this knowledge concealed from the learned and disclosed to children? The clue is in the next statement: "All things have been handed over to me by my Father." What is the essence of the divine life? It is a play of giving and receiving.The Father, forgetting himself, gives rise to the Son, and the Son, refusing to cling to himself, receives from the Father. The Holy Spirit is this mutual sharing of the Father and the Son. God's ownmost life is a looking toward the other in love.From Adam and Eve to today the fundamental human problem is that we seek something other than God. We seek to fill up the ego with stuff, such as sex, pleasure, power, honor. But this will never work, because we've been wired for God, and God is love.2017-7-18
Friends, today Jesus declares judgment on the towns of Galilee that did not believe in him and repent. He stands at the end of the long line of prophets God sent in order to reconcile his people to himself. Like the prophets before him, Jesus is ignored, mocked, and rejected.What happens as a result of man's refusal of God? Not nothing. God's judgment falls on the unfaithful nation. What is the instrument of God's justice? One of the heathen nations, the Chaldeans, come and destroy the city of Jerusalem, burn the temple, carry off its most sacred objects, and force the Israelites into exile. And then the Romans follow suit in the first century.Is this bad luck? Just the typical give and take of geopolitical forces? No! The Bible insists that this should be read as God's action, more specifically, as God's judgment and punishment. Mind you, this is not an arbitrary punishment, something cruel and vindictive; rather it is God allowing the fallen nation to feel the effects of its sin.So what's the lesson? Sin has consequences, and we rarely have to wait for the next world to experience them.2017-7-17朋友们,在今天的福音中,耶稣定下了作为基督徒的条件:“谁爱父亲或母亲超过我,不配是我的;谁爱儿子或女儿超过我,不配是我的。谁不背起自己的十字架跟随我,不配是我的。谁获得自己的性命,必要丧失性命;谁为我的缘故,丧失了自己的性命,必要获得性命。”泥金装饰手抄本《圣若翰版圣经》里其中的一副装饰图上有这样的一句:“我们必须凭着爱来冲出重围。” 这个信念既非懦弱无能、也非无病呻吟、更不是盲目的。当我们毫不吝啬地去爱,我们并不是故意无视道德现实—而是恰恰相反。爱不是一种情绪,而是正如陀思妥耶夫斯基所说的,“是件残酷可怕的事情”。耶稣在可怕的十字架上展示的爱正是如此,而这也正是我们基督徒都必须模仿的。背起十字架意味着我们不仅愿意受苦受难,而且还甘愿像祂那样以宽恕和非暴力来化解暴力和仇恨。
Friends, in today's Gospel, Jesus lays down the conditions for discipleship: "Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and whoever does not take up his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it."There is line from the illuminator of the St. John's Bible which states: "We have to love our way out of this." There is nothing wimpy or namby-pamby or blind about this conviction. When we love extravagantly, we are not purposely blinding ourselves to moral realities—just the contrary. Love is not a sentiment, but "a harsh and dreadful thing," as Dostoevsky said.This is just what Jesus shows on his terrible cross. And this is just what we, his followers, must imitate. Taking up the cross means not just being willing to suffer, but being willing to suffer as he did, absorbing violence and hatred through our forgiveness and nonviolence.

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