原文|Bishop Barron
翻译|Carrie2017-9-3朋友们,上星期我们听到了描述伯多禄真情告白的重要福音。因为他正确道出了耶稣的身份,所以耶稣宣称他是磐石,是建立教会的坚实地基。不久之后—就是今天的福音—耶稣说他是撒旦、绊脚石,因为他体会的,不是天主的事,而是人的事。是什么导致如此惊人的逆转?个中缘由在福音书中常常是相对简单的:伯多禄不理解耶稣的十字架。耶稣一生的整个势头都是冲着祂的十字架而去的。阻碍祂前进的力量多种多样—有些人出自私心,有些人出自真心。但这些人都有相同之处:他们不理解耶稣的十字架,不理解耶稣。大概出自对耶稣的真,伯多禄强烈要求祂远离苦难:“主,千万不可!这事绝不会临到你身上!”刚刚准确道出耶稣的身份,伯多禄转瞬又忘了该身份意味着什么。他以为作为天主之子就意味着权力和统治地位,而不是耻辱和死亡。Friends, last week we heard the great Gospel describing Peter's confession. Because he says correctly who Jesus is, he is declared rock, the firm ground upon which the Church shall be built. And just moments later—it is our Gospel for today—he is told that he is a Satan, a stumbling block, thinking not as God thinks but as men think. What accounts for this rather remarkable reversal?In the Gospel it's always relatively simple: he doesn't get the cross. The entire momentum of the life of Jesus is toward the cross. All sorts of forces are trying to keep him from it—some out of self-interest, some out of genuine concern. But they all have this in common: they don't get it, they don't get him.So Peter, probably out of genuine love for Jesus, urges him away from the passion: "Heaven forbid that such things should happen to you, Lord." Having correctly confessed who Jesus is, Peter promptly forgets what that entails. Being the Son of God, he thought, meant power and lordship, not ignominy and death.

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