原文|Bishop Barron
Friends, our Gospel today gives us Jesus’ raising of the son of the widow of Nain. This is a prime exemplification of the key Gospel truth that everything Jesus said and did, in one way or another, is an anticipation of his resurrection. The God of Israel, the God of Jesus Christ, is a God of life, a God of the living. He hates death and the ways of death.The death in today’s Gospel goes beyond the tragic loss of a loved one, as awful as that is. In the context of Jesus’ time and place this is a disaster for the widow. There is no social safety-net, no insurance, no guaranteed income. Unless she finds kindly neighbors who can support her, she is lost without her husband and, importantly, her “only son”. This is why the heart of Jesus is especially moved with pity.Notice please that the reaction of the bystanders is fear. This is the fear that comes from the turning upside down of a world. This is the reaction of the women at the tomb on Easter Sunday morning. An evangelization that isn’t a little scary is an inadequate evangelization.2017-9-18朋友们,在今天的福音中,耶稣佩服罗马百夫长的信德:“我告诉你们:连在以色列,我也没有见过这样大的信德。”《圣经》中使我们不得不深思何为信德的地方多不胜数!可以说,《圣经》以信德为基础,处处可见受信德精神鼓舞的痕迹。信德是信赖天主存在的态度。信德是无论天主启示什么、要做什么、要向我们作出怎样的邀请,我们都坦然接受。在面对无限的、全能的天主,我们显然从来都没有控制权。信德最重要的宣言之一是:你的人生与你无关。你没有控制权。你的生活并非你的计划。相反,你是天主的宏伟设计中的一部分。只要我们深深相信这一点并以此作为行为准则,我们就有了信德。当我们以这种焕然一新的观念来生活,奇迹就会出现,因为我们把自己交给了“祂在我们身上所发挥的德能,成就一切,远超我们所求所想的。” (注:厄弗所书 3:20)即使一星半点的信德也能扭转乾坤。Friends, in today's Gospel Jesus is amazed at a Roman centurion's faith: "I tell you, not even in Israel have I found such faith." How often the Bible compels us to meditate on the meaning of faith! We might say that the Scriptures rest upon faith, remain inspired at every turn by the spirit of faith.Faith is an attitude of trust in the presence of God. Faith is openness to what God will reveal, do, and invite. It should be obvious that in dealing with the infinite, all-powerful person who is God, we are never in control.One of the most fundamental statements of faith is this: your life is not about you. You're not in control. This is not your project. Rather, you are part of God's great design. To believe this in your bones and act accordingly is to have faith. When we operate out of this transformed vision, amazing things can happen, for we have surrendered to "a power already at work in us that can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine." Even a tiny bit of faith makes an extraordinary difference.2017-9-17朋友们,今天的福音说的比喻是记仇的仆人。我想谈谈我们无法宽恕别人的原因。从最深层次的意义来说,我们不属于自己。我们拥有的一切以及我们的整个存在都来自天主。我们本来就是要运用自身的天赋来为天主的旨意效犬马之劳。我们的生命完全来自于天主,但同样,只有天主才能宽恕我们的罪过。如果有一样我们每一个人都能称之为非我莫属的东西,那就是罪人的身份。那我们如何是好?我们知道天主已经宽恕了我们,我们知道虽然我们身无寸功,基督仍为我们的罪过而受死并给予我们神圣的慈悲。最后的结果是:我们自身没有任何特别稳定的性质,我们自身一无所有,我们自身所有的一切都是来自天主的恩赐。那么,我们无法宽恕别人的根本原因除了在于我们有着自己能自给自足的错觉之外,还能有什么呢?我理应有所收获;你知道我是谁吗?然而,你理应一无所获。你的存在全因天主,而你存在的目的在于奉行天主的旨意。
Friends, today's Gospel gives us the parable of the unforgiving servant. I want to say something about the reason for our inability to forgive.In the deepest sense, we don't belong to ourselves. Everything we have and all that we are comes from God. We are meant, with all of our gifts, to serve God's purposes. Our very existence comes from God, but so does the forgiveness of our sins. If there is one thing that we can each claim of ourselves, it is that we are sinners.How do we go on? We know that we have been forgiven. That through no merit of ours, Christ has died for our sins and offered us the divine mercy. The upshot is this: there is nothing particularly stable about the self, nothing that it can claim for its own. All that it is has been received as a gift.Well, what is at the root of the inability to forgive but this false sense of the substantial self? I have things coming to me; Do you know who I am? Well, you have nothing coming to you. You exist because of God and in order to serve the purposes of God.