文|Bishop Barron
翻译|Carrie2017-11-7朋友们,今天的福音把天国比喻成国王为儿子办婚宴。要注意,是父亲(天主圣父)为儿子(天主圣子)办宴会,而新娘是教会耶稣是神性和人性的结合——我们作为祂的信徒受邀参与这个结合的喜乐。圣父和圣子充满喜乐的亲密关系现在供给我们分享。听听依撒意亚是如何细致描绘这场宴会的:“万军的上主在这座山上,要为万民摆设美酒佳肴的盛宴;佳肴是精选的,美酒是醇清的。”这样说来,我们是有优势的。因为邀请我们的是国王,而婚宴是给祂的儿子办的,可见接受万王之王的邀请是极其重要的。我们已听到天主邀请我们进入与祂的亲密关系中、以祂作为我们生活的重心、与祂在基督里成为配偶——但我们经常用最无力的借口来推托。Friends, today's Gospel likens the kingdom of heaven to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son. Notice that the father (God the Father) is giving a banquet for his son (God the Son), whose bride is the Church. Jesus is the marriage of divinity and humanity—and we his followers are invited to join in the joy of this union.The joyful intimacy of the Father and the Son is now offered to us to be shared. Listen to Isaiah to learn the details of this banquet: "On this mountain the Lord of hosts will provide for all peoples a feast of rich food and choice wines, juicy, rich food and pure, choice wines."Now, there is an edge to all of this. For it is the king who is doing the inviting, and it is a wedding banquet for his son. We can see how terribly important it is to respond to the invitation of the King of kings.We have heard the invitation of God to enter into intimacy with him, to make him the center of our lives, to be married to him in Christ—and often we find the most pathetic excuses not to respond.

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