|Bishop Barron
翻译|Carrie2017-11-21朋友们,今天的福音通过匝凯的故事表明天主对任何信德的迹象都迅速作出回应。匝凯爬上野桑树反映出他不只是一时兴起要看看耶稣。他灵魂中有着深深的饥渴。他最重要的优点是心甘情愿走极端。不过,当我们发现自己处于利害攸关之际,都会这样做。当我们的健康受到危害,我们立刻采取行动;当我们的工作受到威胁,我们为了保全职位会不择手段。耶稣看见他时,说:“匝凯,你快下来!因为我今天必须住在你家中。”基督徒们,只要我们对天主有那么一点点的兴趣,祂总会爽快作出回应。祂不会欲擒故纵;不会忸怩作态。当我们寻找祂时,祂即回应,因为我们是祂的所有策略。注意耶稣叫匝凯赶快。不要等、不要犹豫。皈依耶稣的时刻到来之时,别错失良机。Friends, today's Gospel declares in the story of Zacchaeus how quickly God responds to any sign of faith. Zacchaeus' climbing the sycamore tree shows he had more than a passing interest in seeing Jesus. He had a deep hunger of the spirit. His principal virtue was his willingness to go to great extremes. But this is what we do when we know that something of great moment is at stake. When our health is endangered, we move, we act; when our job is threatened, we go to almost any extreme to keep it.When Jesus spotted him he said, "Zacchaeus, hurry down. I mean to stay at your house today." Christians, God responds to us readily when we show the least interest in him. He doesn't play hard to get; he is not coy with us. When we seek him, he responds, because loving us is his entire game.Notice how Jesus tells Zacchaeus to hurry. Don't wait, don't hesitate. Seize the moment of conversion when it comes.

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