|Bishop Barron
翻译|Carrie2017-12-5朋友们,在今天的福音中,耶稣与圣父亲密谈话。这篇福音邀请我们进入莫测高深的奥秘之中。耶稣直接对他的圣父说话,由此透露了他自己在圣三位一体之内的最深层次的身份。他说,“父啊!天地的主宰!我称谢你,因为你将这些事瞒住了智慧和明达的人,而启示给小孩子。”重要的是我们要记住,对圣父说话的并不仅仅是一个圣人君子,而是天主的亲子耶稣。我们得以参与三位一体中前两位的对话,分享天主的内在生活。还有,瞒住明达人而启示给小孩子的都是些什么“东西”?只不过就是耶稣与圣父之间关系的奥秘、圣父和圣子之间拥有的爱以及天主的内在生活。这些都是天主最初想给予我们的东西。Friends, today in the Gospel we hear Jesus in intimate conversation with his Father. The passage invites us into very deep mysteries. Jesus addresses his Father and thereby reveals his own deepest identity within the Holy Trinity. He says, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, you have revealed them to the little ones."It is important to keep in mind that this is not simply a good and holy man addressing God, but rather the very Son of God addressing his Father. We are being given a share in the inner life of God, the conversation between the first two Trinitarian persons.And what are the "things" that have been concealed from the learned and revealed to the little ones? Nothing other than the mystery of Jesus’ relationship to his Father, the love that obtains between Father and Son, the inner life of God. From the beginning, this is what God wanted to give us.