|Bishop Barron
翻译|Carrie2017-12-6朋友们,今天的福音讲述了耶稣以七个饼和几条鱼喂饱了四千余人。很多当代神学家和圣经评注者尝试把耶稣的奇迹解释为精神象征。其中最恶名昭彰的也许就是众多讲道者尝试把增饼解释为施舍的“奇迹”,即当时在场群众各自分享自己所拥有的食物。但我认为首批基督徒对耶稣的奇迹极其感兴趣,他们并不把这些奇迹仅仅看作是文学象征,这是难以否认的事实!他们对这些奇迹的真相心领神会:天主的行动在人间乍现。Friends, today’s Gospel tells of Jesus feeding the four thousand with seven loaves and a few fish.An awful lot of contemporary theologians and Bible commentators have tried to explain away the miracles of Jesus as spiritual symbols. Perhaps most notoriously, many preachers tried to explain the multiplication of the loaves and fishes as a "miracle" of charity, with everyone sharing the little that he had.But I think it’s hard to deny that the first Christians were intensely interested in the miracles of Jesus, and that they didn’t see them as mere literary symbols! They saw them for what they really were: actions of God, breaking into our world.2017-12-7
朋友们,今天的福音问我们如何应用主的教诲。“凡听了我这些话而实行的,就好像一个聪明人,把自己的房屋建在磐石上:雨淋,水冲,风吹,袭击那座房屋,它并不坍塌。”这段话的核心是:如果你植根于天主,那你就能经得起任何考验,正是因为你与创造宇宙的力量相连。在那最深处,你是有福的,是刀枪不入的。但不把耶稣的圣言牢记于心的人,“就好像一个愚昧人,把自己的房屋建在沙土上:雨淋,水冲,风吹,袭击那座房屋,它就坍塌了,且坍塌的很惨。”当无可避免的考验到来,那些建于享乐、金钱、权力或名望之上的人生将分崩离析。因而,问题是简单的:你站在哪里?你的心态如何?你的整个人生究竟是建于什么之上?Friends, today’s Gospel asks how we apply the Lord’s teaching. "Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock. The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and buffeted the house. But it did not collapse." This is the heart of it: if you are rooted in God, then you can withstand anything, precisely because you are linked to that power which is creating the cosmos. You will be blessed at the deepest place, and nothing can finally touch you.But the one who does not take Jesus’ words to heart "will be like the fool who built his house on sand. The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds buffeted the house. And it collapsed and was completely ruined." When the inevitable trials come, the life built on pleasure, money, power, or fame will give way.So the question is a simple one: where do you stand? How goes it with your heart? On what, precisely, is the whole of your life built?