|Bishop Barron
翻译|Carrie2017-12-10朋友们,今天的福音促使我们认真看待洗者若翰这个伟大的将临期人物。没有经过洗者若翰的清洗,我们确实无法理解耶稣的重要性。他使我们能够正确地看待耶稣。今天我们读到若翰出现在犹太旷野宣讲。旷野是朴素贫穷之地,去除了消遣物品和多余的东西,所以天主的声音在此清晰可闻。财富、享乐、权力、名誉,还有它们的替身和倡导者均在高声呼唤着、吸引着、诱惑着我们。但天主在说什么?我们必须到寂静空旷的地方才能听得见。那么这位先知说的第一句话是什么?在另一部福音书中我们读到他说:“改变你们的生活!” 换句话说:“悔改!”这句话一针见血,正因为我们都知道我们的生活与天主的旨意大相径庭。我们都辜负了天主的荣耀;我们都陷入了自私自利和执迷不悟的行为模式里。因此,今天让我们听从若翰的教诲:“悔改!”Friends, today’s Gospel compels us to come to grips with the great Advent figure of John the Baptist. It’s really impossible to grasp the significance of Jesus without passing through the cleansing bath of John the Baptist. He provides a lens through which Jesus is properly interpreted.John, we learn today, made his appearance as a preacher in the desert of Judea. Deserts are places of simplicity and poverty, places where distractions and attachments are eliminated—and hence where the voice of God can be heard. Wealth, pleasure, power, honor—and all of their avatars and priests—are shouting at us, luring us, tempting us. But what is God saying? We have to go to these silent and deserted places in order to hear.What is the first thing that the prophet says? We read in another Gospel that he says, "Reform your lives!" In other words, "Repent!" This word cuts to the heart of every one of us, precisely because we all know that our lives are not where they are supposed to be. We have all fallen short of the glory of God; we have all fallen into patterns of self-absorption and addiction. So let us hear John’s word today: "Repent!"2017-12-11朋友们,今天的福音讲述了一名瘫痪者被治愈的美妙故事。众多群众聚集听耶稣施教,把门口都堵住了。有几个人带着一名瘫痪者来见耶稣,因为无法挤入门口,他们就爬上屋顶,打开一个入口,把瘫痪者吊下去。是否可以让我指出这个美妙故事与我们当下福音传道的状况之间的联系?如今,非常多的天主教徒都是“瘫痪的”、无法动弹的,对基督教会是冰冻三尺的。原因也许是疑惑、恐惧、愤怒、旧恨、无知或者内疚。这些原因有好有坏。作为信徒,你的职责是把这些人带到基督面前。怎样带?说句鼓励的话、提出质疑、作出解释、说出宽恕的话、写封信、打个电话。留意福音中带瘫痪者去见耶稣的那几个人是如此的急切。我们今天在祂的奥体中感受到这种急切了吗?Friends, our Gospel for today tells that wonderful story of the healing of the paralytic. People gather by the dozens to hear Jesus, crowding around the doorway of the house. They bring him a paralyzed man, and because there is no way to get him through the door, they climb up on the roof and open a space to lower him down.Can I suggest a connection between this wonderful narrative and our present evangelical situation? There are an awful lot of Catholics who are paralyzed, unable to move, frozen in regard to Christ and the Church. This might be from doubt, from fear, from anger, from old resentment, from ignorance, or from self-reproach. Some of these reasons might be good; some might be bad.Your job, as a believer, is to bring them to Christ. How? A word of encouragement, a challenge, an explanation, a word of forgiveness, a note, a phone call. We notice the wonderful urgency of these people as they bring the sick man to Jesus. Do we feel the same urgency within his mystical body today?

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