|Bishop Barron
翻译|Carrie2017-12-8朋友们,我们今天庆祝圣母始胎无染原罪节。教父们始终把玛利亚称为“全新的厄娃”,也就是说,圣母扭转了人类之母打开的局面。天使说的“Ave”(万福)被视为“Eva”(厄娃)的倒写。厄娃急切求取神圣的权威,玛利亚却说:“愿照你的话成就于我吧。”这是个解放人心的悖论:在客观价值面前保持顺从的态度正是获得美好人生的秘诀。当我们任由客观价值侵占和重整生活,人生才变得有意义。这一原理在应用于天主与我们之间的关系时是无与伦比的。你的人生与你无关这一信息确实粉碎那个唯我独尊的假我,却解放了真我。圣母始胎无染原罪本身隐藏在救恩史的深处,但其影响在今天的福音中显露无遗。在至高无上的价值面前,我们应该与玛利亚一起说:“愿照你的话成就于我吧!”Friends, today we celebrate the feast of the Immaculate Conception. The Church Fathers consistently referred to Mary as the New Eve, which is to say, the one who reversed the momentum started by the mother of the human race. The Ave of the angel was seen as the reversal of Eva. While Eve grasped at divinity, Mary said "Let it be done unto me."Here’s the liberating paradox: passivity before objective values is precisely what makes life wonderful. Allowing oneself to be invaded and rearranged by objective value is what makes life worth living. And this applies unsurpassably to our relationship with God. The message that your life is not about you does indeed crush the false self that would bend the whole world to its purposes, but it sets free the true self.The Immaculate Conception itself is concealed in the privacy of salvation history, but the effects of it are on clear display in this Gospel. In the presence of the supreme value, we ought to say, along with Mary, "Be it done unto me!"