文|Bishop Barron
翻译|Carrie2017-11-9朋友们,我们在今天的福音中读到耶稣在生命的高潮处来到圣殿里引起一场骚动,这是不足为奇的。祂的目的不在于煽动,而是要整顿圣殿,从而纠正以色列子民。有人问祂要神迹时,祂说祂要拆毁圣殿,三天之内把它重建起来。正如若望所说,祂指的是自己的身体。祂的意思是这座旧圣殿已经不功不过地完成了它的使命,现在要让位给一座全新的、最权威的圣殿。祂的身体、祂本人是神性和人性合体之处,因而是我们正确崇拜之处。Friends, when reading today's Gospel passage, we shouldn't be surprised that Jesus, at the climax of his life, came into the Temple and made a ruckus. He was not just being a rabble-rouser. He was rectifying the Temple so as to rectify the people Israel.When pressed for a sign, he said that he would tear the Temple down and rebuild it in three days. He was talking, as John tells us, of the temple of his body. He was saying that this old Temple, which had served its purpose relatively well, would now give way to a new and definitive Temple. His own body, his own person, would be the place where divinity and humanity meet, and hence the place of right praise.

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