
Let no one be found among you who .....casts spells,or who is a medium or spiritistor who consults the dead.Anyone who does these things is detestable to theLord;《Deuteronomy 18:10-11》

上周四(11月5日)拙文“圣经里的鬼(1)”发表后,当晚Fr.JosephG 神父就微信我, 对“鬼”的如下定义提出指教说:这个观点是来自哪里?在教会的道理中,我还没见过这种表述。谢谢Fr.JosephG神父的指教,也提醒我要阐释得更完备些

尽管旧约《肋未记19:31;20:6、27》里就有“不可去探问亡魂”,又在《申命记18:10-11》里重申“不可问鬼”的诫命,天主教会对“鬼”一字,确实“惜墨如金”,不仅教会法(Canon Laws)没有任何规定,教会“要理问答”(Catholic Church Catechism, 简称CCC)和官方文件(official documents)里都没有任何说明。我查过台湾发行的“圣经神学词典(1975年初版)”和“神学词典(1996年初版)里,也都只字未提。所以只能从神学或圣经学家的文章里寻求理解(*注一)

英文Ghost 其实来自德文的Geist, 原意是广义的“灵”spirit. 因此有些从德文翻译成英文的文献里,圣神(圣灵)Holy Spirit就可能译成Holy Ghost - 挺令人困惑的字眼。但英文 “鬼”Ghost的定义却是“我们可以用肉眼(视觉)、耳朵(听觉)、皮肤(触觉)或鼻子(嗅觉 -有些鬼有气味)辨识出来的、已脱离死者躯体的灵魂” disembodied soul of a dead person that becomes discernible through our ears, eyes, skin or nose (some ghosts smell!)

“鬼”(亡魂)可以分为两种:一是“仍然留存在人世间”(human souls after death survived on earth)- ,二是“从炼狱回来的(returned from purgatory)”,圣经“新约” “旧约”里分别有两处记载 (待续)

*注一 关于“鬼”的文献的确很少,我查出如下几篇或可供参考:

1.What does the Church say about Ghosts ? by Fr. Michael Kerper,
2.What does Church teach about Ghost? Does it exist? by Fr. John Titus
3.Everything you need to know about Ghosts by Philip Kosloski
4.A book by Amalia Quevedo explores the world of ghosts. by Miriam D. Bosch
5.Do souls in Purgatory return from Dead? By Susan E. Wills 等,不再一一列述

附图一 耶稣步行海面、被门徒们误以为是“鬼”示意图

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